Planning & Development
Planning & Development

Planning & Development

Members: Councillors Bryant, Flynn, Cassidy, McGuinness, Hinton and Sutcliffe

The purpose of the Planning Committee is to safeguard the existing built environment; to ensure that proposed developments are appropriate, sustainable, in-character and meet the principles of the Village Design Statement.

About Planning in Chipperfield

The Local Planning Authority (LPA) for Chipperfield is Dacorum Borough Council (DBC). See Planning section of DBC website for further information.

In considering applications for planning approval DBC operates under government guidance on planning rules under the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) within which DBC formulates its own ‘rules’, often referred to as the ‘Local Plan’. Such plans are periodically revised whereas government NPPF is subject to more frequent amendments.

Most planning applications are determined by employed ‘case officers’; a small percentage go to Dacorum’s ‘Development Management Committee’ (DMC) for determination by elected borough councillors.

The role of Chipperfield Parish Council (CPC) is that of a ‘statutory consultee’. CPC has the right to comment on all planning applications within Chipperfield. CPC has no powers to make any decisions therefore its role is to convey views on behalf of the village to DBC in the expectation that these be considered. To succeed, such views must present arguments that are consistent with national and local planning policies.

There are of course ‘grey areas’; for example, DBC’s policies have to cover high density urban areas as well as rural villages like Chipperfield. Often, the most contentious subject is the one of parking provision within developments because Chipperfield is a wholly car-dependent village with negligible public transport. CPC seeks to achieve 1 off-road parking space per bedroom in dwellings, subject to a minimum of 2 spaces which is more than the DBC ‘standard’.

Pre-application consultation

NPPF encourages developers/ applicants to have pre-application engagement not only with the LPA but also with parish councils. CPC welcomes pre-application engagement with potential applicants.

Village Design Statement (VDS)

Chipperfield has a Design Statement, produced by the village, which is adopted by DBC as Supplementary Planning Guidance meaning that it should be considered by the LPA in determining planning applications. Applicants are encouraged to follow this guidance and to refer to the measures contained in their proposed scheme that help achieve compliance. Link

Conservation Area

Most of Chipperfield falls into a conservation area in which more stringent rules apply to development. See links

Use of Flint to external elevations

The use of flint detailing is encouraged. This is a skilled technique to execute correctly. Designers and developers are encouraged to refer to the Chilterns Flint Design Guide which offers both design and construction advice.

Viewing Planning Applications

Current and historic planning applications are searchable on the DBC planning portal. Use the link below and enter the address or planning case number if you know it. Usually part of the address is sufficient eg 10 Floral Road. If the search reveals multiple applications these are displayed in date order, newest first.

The Committee usually meets on Tuesday’s at 7.15pm every 3 weeks. See Agenda for details and venue Planning Agenda. Meetings are open to the public and there is an opportunity for members of the public to express their views in support or in opposition to a development application or other issue that appears on the Agenda. Such contributions are time limited at the discretion of the Chair to 3 or 5 mins. Should multiple residents wish to comment we ask that a spokesperson speaks on behalf of the residents group.

The main matters the committee handles on behalf of the Parish Council are:

  • Planning applications – (Our comments on all those affecting Chipperfield are submitted to the Borough Council)
  • Parish boundary
  • Conservation area
  • Planning policy
  • Listed buildings
  • Enforcement
  • Advertising signs