
Police/Crime/Neighbourhood Watch

We are fortunate to live in a village which is deemed to be a low crime area by the police. However, this is little comfort to victims of crime.

It is important that the Parish Council forges and maintains a good working relationship with our Police Constables and PCSO’s. When issues do arise, we can liaise directly with them in seeking a solution. It is essential that any crime be reported directly to the police on the usual numbers (emergency 999; non-emergency 101). An email to our Parish Clerk is appreciated as well. However, when a pattern emerges, often a team effort between police, CPC and residents can expedite matters.

We are provided with a monthly break down of the crime statistics, which are reported on at full council meetings (see Minutes).

In recent times Neighbourhood Watch has evolved into a multi layered approach, benefiting from social media. We have a Facebook page and a WhatsApp group which have proven very effective in alerting residents to activities in real time. For those who are not users of these mediums, there is a team run from Dacorum BC, which advertises in Chipperfield News with their contact details.